Thursday, May 04, 2006


just sitting here after boxing, don't want to move. That was a great workout. The teacher also teaches other martial arts and goes by Sifu. I try not to think "Seafood". He cuts me slack as long as I'm pushing it as hard as I can. I think he's afraid I'm going to have a heart attack. I think he also thinks I'm a wuss, but he gives me credit I think for being in there trying to de-wuss myself.

Only 3 others in class tonite. I think most of the men in class are farm boys from the country. None of them a day over 30, I think. One young woman, cute as a button, like a little bird but tall and thin. Probably not 25. After class today was sparring (light contact) and I saw her go up against a couple of farm boys and definitely outclassed the one her size and weight, and got the attention of the other one who's got probably 40 pounds on her. She's one tough birdy.
During class, as we're working thru exercises I'm having to pace myself - go hard for a few minutes then either lighten up or stop completely and suck air. Even when I'm going hard, I'm getting solid but polite little smackies against the bag or the focus mitts, while all around me are BAM BAM BAM people pounding the stuffing out of their bags.

It's still not as intense as Muay Thai was though - was I out of my fucking mind trying to hang with those killers? The big diff is that there's no kicking, of course - so no pumping huge amounts of blood around as you power your legs around in big ol' kicks, and I can walk the next day, pretty much. But it's perfect for me now, I can actually stick with this and get somewhere, Muay Thai was like bashing my head on a brick wall. I'd go for a week or 3 and then be so exhausted I'd get sick and miss a few weeks. Then starting back was like starting over from square one. Here I think I can keep going, week by week.


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